Category Archives: Foster Dogs

Foster Dog #16: Baby Ruth

The magical… IF. IF I had taken that cab… If I hadn’t gone to that bar… IF I could have made that light…

Today that IF is “if we hadn’t adopted Kramer.”  If we hadn’t adopted Kramer, this would probably be a different post… that is how awesome this puppy is.  Ruth is the sweetest, cutest, most lovable little puppy you ever did see (and yes, I am including Henry in that statement which should tell you just how serious I am about this).  She’s about 5 month old, well-behaved and mostly housetrained. Those things I know.  What I don’t know is what kind of dog she is. I’ve heard Jack Russell Terrier, Corgi, Beagle, Basset Hound, and more.  What do you think?

I’ll admit that things didn’t start out as you might hope.  Chris picked her up and she peed in the back of his car on the way home.  Luckily, she’s got the kinda face that helps her get out of most anything.  The fact that she didn’t have an accident in the house the first 24 hours, knew how to sit and cuddles like a pro brought her stock back up real quick.

The best part?  She plays with Kramer.  We thought maybe Kramer didn’t like to play in the house because on the rare occasions where Henry tried to play with him he was having none of it. Ruth brings out the puppy in Kramer.  She crawls over him, walks under him and bites his face when she wants to play.  Sometimes Kramer is not thrilled but generally he pulls out the puppy behavior and give it right back to her.  Suddenly, they’re running laps, rolling all over the floor and wrestling.  It’s honestly the cutest thing. 

Another awesome thing about Ruth? Everybody loves her.  It’s like this dog can do no wrong. Even the people who don’t pay my dogs any mind at work want to cuddle with Ruth.  She made friends with every dog in the office on Tuesday and cajoled treats from anyone she could (which was okay with me because she’s significantly underweight).

Ruth has a ways to go when it comes to growing up but she’s learning quick.  Within a few attempts, she’s added “lay down” and “stay” to her repertoire of “sit.” She’s still got a lot to learn but she’s a smart little girl and repetition is all it takes.  She’ll be spayed soon and could use a loving home (other dogs appreciated but not required). Someone please adopt this dog… before I do. Seriously though- everyone keeps joking about adding Ruth to our pack permanently and, as much as I wish I could, I can’t.  So I want her to find the absolute best home. Think you have it? Visit the Secondhand Mutts site and fill out an application, but but if you do, do it quick. This dog is bound to be popular and you don’t want her to be your magical IF!

Wordless Wednesday

Kramer’s adoption photo:

Cosmo Kramer: The badass guard dog Chris always wanted  Big Softy 🙂

Foster Fail: Mr. Bo Jangles/Cosmo Kramer

Most people would probably say that this was bound to happen.  We foster a lot of dogs.  We were bound to find one we just couldn’t give up.  However, I must say that I didn’t expect to get that feeling so fast.  Even with Henry, who we fostered-to-adopt- when Becca called after 2 weeks letting us know that there was another family that was interested in him- I hesitated.  Granted, he was still an 8-month old puppy peeing and pooping all over my house and was only starting to master basic commands but with the adorable 3 year old Henry J. Puppypants curled up next to me as  I write this I can’t begin to think about life without him.

One week ago we traded foster dogs.  After almost 2 months, I was starting to wonder if our home was the best place for Baba Ganoush.  He’s working on becoming more comfortable with people coming into his space and we just don’t have enough visitors to give him the exposure training he needs.  Days earlier we had learned that Mr. Bo Jangles, a 4 year old Rottweiler was in need of a new foster home.  We met Bo at a Secondhand Mutts fundraising event in November and Chris, Tracy and I instantly fell in love.  Bo’s mild temperament, gentle nature and soulful eyes could make any heart melt.  Frankly, after almost 3 months in the program, we couldn’t understand why he didn’t have a home.  Here he is at the Muttsquerade in October…

So, last  Wednesday, we brought him to our home.  He was the perfect guest.  No jumping, no accidents, no barking.  We were in doggie heaven. That’s when Chris started laying it on real thick about how he always wanted a big dog and how this dog could be HIS dog (though it was often unspoken, Chris now openly admits that Henry is really more often my dog than his).

On Thursday I worked from home and Bo was an angel, sleeping at my feet most of the day.  That was when I started considering keeping him as well.  How could it be that after only 18 hours, I was considering adopting one of our foster dogs?  I had made it through 13 other fosters without breaking!  Was I losing my touch?  Was this dog REALLY THAT AWESOME?!?!

By Friday we were talking about what we would rename him as Bo played at my office with Kayden, a coworker’s pitt mix.  We went through a few names.  First trying to stick with B-O names… Bowie, Bowser, Bosley…. but Chris and I couldn’t agree on any of them.  It wasn’t until we went back to a name that Chris has been claiming for “his dog” all along that we hit something we could agree upon… Cosmo Kramer.  Chris LOVES Seinfeld and can quote large portions of almost every episode.  For some reason, he has always wanted to name a dog Kramer.  And now he finally had the chance. By this time, I was convinced- we were adopting this dog.  I called Secondhand Mutts and told Becca that this was our dog.

So here we are, one week later, with a 70-pound Rottweiler to call our own.  We’ve come a long way… and so has Kramer.  When two Secondhand Mutts volunteers went to the Ashtabula APL to pick up 3 new dogs that were being admitted into the program, Kramer wasn’t on their list.  However, the volunteers were Rottie lovers and saw Kramer in a small yard where dogs are allowed to run around before they are put down. They just couldn’t leave him.  Can you image that?  Our sweet, mellow boy with eyes that could melt your heart was on the verge of being put to sleep!?

Obviously, we’ve still got a lot to learn about Kramer but I can honestly say that I don’t regret the decision to adopt him for one minute.  We’ll be taking a fostering break for a while as we get to know him better but based on his love of other dogs and easygoing temperament, we may be fostering again sooner than you think.  But MARK MY WORDS- we are not adopting any more dogs.  2 is the limit.  Kramer and Henry… that’s it… for as long as they want to call this place home.

Life According to My Iphone 3.0

The holidays are always busy and this year is no different.  I attended 3 parties yesterday!  It was crazy. Awesome, but crazy. I would not have made it through to 2am if it weren’t for the nap I took between party #1 and party #2.  I really really love naps.  So here’s a quick glimpse at life through my iphone!

On December 1st I made this recipe for Dr. Pepper Pulled Pork from My Retro Kitchen.  I was a little nervous because I’m not much of a cook but with a little love and some support from Facebook friends, it turned out really well.  It was delicious and it provided quick easy meals for days! Here’s my pulled pork sandwich with a side of Dr. Pepper!

The same day I made the pulled pork, Chris and I attended the wrap-up party for Movember.  If you haven’t heard about it, Movember is a month of men growing mustaches in an effort to promote awareness and fundraising for prostate and testicular cancer.  My friends Andy and Casey were part of the Cleveland Mo Bros.  Their upper lip art and that of their team helped raise over $13,000!  The wrap up party happened at The Blind Pig and there was a lot of creepin’ going on. I shot this pic of the guys in all their mustache glory…

A week later, I got back to what I really know and love- eating out.  Crystal from Eat Drink Cleveland and I tackled one of my Scene list restaurants, Amp 150.  It was AMAZING and I will have a full report this week.  Here we are completely stuffed…

We took in a new foster dog this week.  His name is Mr. Bo Jangles.  He’s the sweetest most laid back foster dog we have ever had. More on him in my usual foster report coming soon!

The first of yesterday’s 3 parties was an ornament exchange. It was the perfect afternoon get together with lots of great food, mimosas and a fun white elephant exchange. There was even the added bonus of ugly holiday sweaters.  I rocked an amazing Looney Tunes Christmas vest that my mom bought new about 15 years ago.  Sadly, the only picture I got was of Poe in his Christmas sweater, but it’s a cute one…

We ended yesterday at Russ and Summer’s house for a big tee party in honor of Russ & Lardi’s birthdays.  We got there late as we were coming from Chris’s company Christmas party so things were already in full swing.  I have never seen so many oversized t-shirts in one place.  It was fantastic.  Russ decided that the big tee just wasn’t enough…

I think that sums up life lately.  I’m going to go back to laying on the couch now… 🙂


Foster Dog #14- Baba Ganoush

From the moment I met him it seemed that I was fated to foster Baba Ganoush.  You  see, soon after I started working at Embrace, Kate fostered Baba’s brother, Neil.  I loved Neil.  He was so sweet, sensitive and handsome!  Kate had rescued Neil from the Ashtabula APL and soon after learned that, due to overcrowding, they were desperate to get Neil’s brother into a rescue.  Secondhand Mutts was there and took Baba into the program.

Just look at that face!!!  Baba’s rescue from Ashtabula was in July.  I met him soon after.  He was very timid and wouldn’t even take the treats that I offered.  After that he bounced around a bit from a few foster-to-adopt homes that didn’t work out to The Mutt Hutt to more foster homes.  In that time we learned that he’s a sensitive dog and doesn’t get along so well with cats.  I followed his story but, in the meantime, I was busy fostering Memphis and Patsy.

A few weeks ago, after Patsy had been adopted and we had a nice break (I love fostering but I also value one on one time with Henry too!), I asked Becca who was available for fostering.  The fates had aligned and it was finally my turn with Baba.

I picked him up last Wednesday and he was crazy ball of energy on the car ride home.  After a week, we have been through a lot- including some new home stress potty issues and a trip to the vet(fear not, all is well now!). Here’s what we know at this point—

Baba Ganoush Secondhand Mutts

Baba Ganoush is house trained, crate trained and knows some commands.  He will sit and wait while we put his food down and seems to get the concept of laying down although he does not do it on command with regularity.  He bonds VERY CLOSELY with one person.  In this case, that person is me.  He is very protective and would be an EXCELLENT guard dog.  He barks at anyone who comes in the house and occasionally at people if they leave and re-enter the room.  However, some of this is fear based and we are going to be working with a trainer to hopefully curb some of the fear he experiences when interacting with new people.

Baba gets along great with Henry.  They run around the back yard, fight over bones and sometimes just enjoy ignoring each other! Baba Ganoush would do well in a house with other dogs and though he could be a great family dog, I think he would be the perfect companion for a single woman.  Do you know anyone like that?  Do you want to prove me wrong?  Either way, get more information on Baba Ganoush at the Secondhand Mutts website!

Foster Dog #13- Patsy

LUCKY #13!!!!!

This is normally the post where I try to pimp my foster dogs to unsuspecting blog readers. NOT THIS TIME.

You see, Patsy, or lucky foster dog #13, spent a week in our house butt bumping Henry, licking the life out of us and generally counfounding us with her long basset body, tiny little legs and huge head.  She was a joy! No house training accident and no chewing casualties!  Be still my beating heart!

Then she shook her butt right into Candice and Gabe’s heart!  This girl knew a good thing when she saw it (and that good thing was Gabe’s lap).  One evening of puppy love (and Hot Tub Time Machine) and Patsy had her new family.  I am so excited to see her get a good home and even more thrilled with how totally in love Gabe and Candice (and their dog, Ralphie) are!  The family cats might not be super psyched about the new addition but, overall, this couldn’t be a better fit.

Check out Patsy (now Sophia) with her new family!

If only they could all be this easy!!!!

Things I’m loving… 9/30/11

Happy Friday Everyone!  Here are just a few things I’m loving today…

1. This pic from  It makes me laugh every time…

2. Our new foster dog, Patsy.  She’s so sweet and easy… You can get more information on Patsy on the Secondhand Mutts website

3. Half days working from home!

4. This amazing video featuring fashion and dance that I found on rockstar diaries:

5.  Last, and certainly not least, the fact that I get to meet Madison June Barbicas tonight!!!

Have a great weekend everyone! OH… and pop back over tomorrow morning for a very exciting post!! 🙂

Foster Dog #11: Memphis

There’s a rambunctious, adorable, little pup in our home right now.  He’s handsome, sweet and lovable.  His name is Memphis.

Memphis is a 9-month old Boston Terrier/Beagle mix… we think.  This poor little guy was found tied to a fence on Memphis Ave. with his brother. He was taken to the city kennel but no one came to claim him.  I don’t know why.  He’s so lovable, I can’t see why anyone would give him up! When his time was up at the kennel, Secondhand Mutts came to the rescue.  There is one thing I am sure of- he had a home.  Memphis came to us completely house trained and knowing how to sit on command.

Memphis has A LOT of energy and let me tell you, THIS DOG CAN JUMP.  The first time at my parent’s house, he easily jumped the baby gate that I was using to keep the dogs in the living room with me while I was watching True Blood (Sookie and Eric- um… really?!).  He also loves to jump at people to get their attention.  It’s cute… sometimes… but it’s a habit we are working to curb.  We’re also teaching him to stay.

OH and did I mention that he loves to cuddle.  He does.  Check out Memphis and Tracy the night we brought him home…

This handsome boy deserves a break.  He deserves an amazing family.  If you think you might like to give it to him, PLEASE contact me or visit the Secondhand Mutts website for more information.  Memphis is, at the core, a energetic puppy.  He is super cute but he’s like the Energizer bunny… he just goes and goes and goes.  With that in mind, there is something extra special about those times when he’s sleeping…

Foster Dog #10: Norma Jean


If you haven’t read about our other 9 foster dogs, you can do so here.

We got lucky with the lovely lady above.  Norma Jean is super sweet!  Not to mention that she is housetrained, crate trained and plays well with Henry!! WOO HOO! **Insert happy dance here**

Norma will be our last foster dog before my sister’s move in (we’ll take a short break from fostering in May while we adjust to having another person living in our house!) and I am so glad we took her. 

This sweet little lab mix was origionally pulled from the City of Cleveland Kennel.  She was then adopted through Secondhand Mutts but recently she was returned because her new owners realized they didn’t have the time to care for 2 dogs. Their loss is our gain.  She has been a total joy to have around!

Norma is about 2 years old.  She is housetrained and crate trained.  Norma knows sit and is quickly learning to stay! We are working with her on leash training and not jumping. 

Her best quality? She gets along GREAT with Henry.  From the moment I brought her home they were like long lost best friends – chasing each other around the backyard, gladiator fighting and playing tug.  For a while, I was wondering if maybe Henry was burnt out on the foster dogs.  It was taking him longer and longer to warm up to new dogs in our house.  I now realize that each dog had a different attitude and presence and Henry is going to adjust to each differently. Norma has helped to restore my confidence that having foster dogs around is good not just for us and the fosters but for Henry as well.

Norma is a totally unique dog- all the way from her head to her 24 toes. Yup- that’s right- 24 toes!  She is the cutest little mutant dog you’ll ever see. 

Norma Jean deserves a GREAT home! Think you might want to make Norma a part of your family?  Contact me or visit the Secondhand Mutts website!

Spin for Strays

Mighty Mouse and the adoptable dogs of Secondhand Mutts are having a fundraiser!  You should come.  I’ll be there! Here’s the information:

Do you like to Spin? Have you always wanted to try? Do you like dogs? If you answered “Yes” to any one of these questions, you should come join me as I Spin for Strays!!

Spin for Strays is the first ever Happy Hour Ride to benefit Secondhand Mutts. Ride + Workout has generously provided their studio for this ride, which will be led by the always FABULOUS Spin Mistress Jennifer Sommers.

Friday, April 22  5:30-6:30 p.m.

Ride & Workout: 18524 Detroit Ave, Lakewood

I will guarantee you this:
1. You will be helping a fantastic local cause!!
2. You will listen to some great music!!
3. You will have fun!!
4. Your mind, body, and soul will feel great once you’re done!!

So, come join me!!! There are ONLY 31 spots available, so sign up soon to reserve your spot. Please keep in mind that this is a donations based class, with proceeds benefitting Secondhand Mutts; recommended donation is $15.

For more information go to:
Secondhand Mutts:
Ride + Workout:

We are also working on planning a post ride happy hour of the food and drink kind.  Details on that to come!  Thanks to my fellow board member, Shibani, the CleShopaholic, for putting this event together!  So, who is with us???