10 Days…

That is how long it has been since my last post.  Forgive me dear reader, I’ve been busy.  With what, you ask???

1 Indians game, finishing my old job, starting at my new job, a going away party, a bridal shower, 3 dinner dates, a draft party, a bridal shower (in Pittsburgh!), a pool party, a wine festival and a new foster dog.

Don’t worry-  I realize that I still have to post about the second half of our Cali vacation and my experience in the Cleveland Indians Social Media Suite.  Those are coming very soon, I promise.  Now that life is slowing down a bit, I have a lot more time to blog!

In the meantime, I hope you will settle for some funny video of Henry hamming it up on his first trip to the Embrace Pet Insurance offices.  Friday was actually National Take Your Dog to Work Day and I took full advantage (yay pet friendly offices!!!).  Luckily, everybody loved him.  I think you’ll see why…

3 thoughts on “10 Days…

  1. Candice Venditti says:

    So much for taking a break from fostering:)

  2. Lindsay says:

    That video is adorable! It makes me want to buy an exercise ball for my dogs.

  3. @ Candice- It’s a long complicated story. I’ll tell you about it next time I see you.
    @ Lindsay- All the other dogs in our office are scared of the exercise ball. For some reason though, Henry loves it!

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